挑発・黒鷲の学級 The Black Eagles Rise
(訓練場 昼)
Training Grounds | Daytime
エーデルガルト: いよいよ模擬戦ね。……良い機会だわ、師、貴方が指揮を執ってくれる?
Edelgard: It's finally time for the mock battle.
This is my chance to measure your worth as an instructor. Do you think you can rise to the challenge?
Choice 1: 任せてくれ Leave it to me. Edelgard up
エーデルガルト: 自信がありそうね。
Edelgard: So confident. This will be interesting.
Choice 2: 自信がない I'm concerned...
エーデルガルト: あらあら、弱気なことね。
Edelgard: That doesn't inspire much confidence, does it?
エーデルガルト: 私たちもそれなりに訓練を積んできている。きっと貴方の采配にも応えられるわ。
Edelgard: Each of us has undergone strict training. We're prepared for anything that comes our way.
That means there's no need to hold back. Show us what you're capable of.
クロード: やあ、お二人さん。作戦会議かい? 俺たちも交ぜてくれよ。
Claude: Hey there! Did we miss our invite to this strategy meeting? Oh, no worries―we'll just join in now.
エーデルガルト: いいわよ。手土産に貴方たちの弱みを教えてくれるというならね。
Edelgard: Simply tell me your weaknesses, and you're welcome to stay. But is there enough time to cover them all?
クロード: おやおや、弱みがなければ勝てないのか?随分と自信薄なんだな、皇女様は。
Claude: Ah, so you can't win unless you know my weakness? Poor princess. You really should believe in yourself more.
エーデルガルト: 勝つための努力を惜しまないだけよ。貴方だって、策を巡らしているくせに……。
Edelgard: I spare no effort when pursuing victory. As a master of schemes, I should think you would understand.
クロード: 策? はっはっは、いったい何のことやら。俺たちは正々堂々、戦うだけさ。
Claudes: Schemes? Me? I have no idea what you're talking about! I plan to fight fair and square, as ever.
ディミトリ: クロード……お前の口から「正々堂々」と聞くと、嫌な予感しかしないんだが。
Dimitri: Hearing the words "fair and square" from Claude can only be a bad omen.
クロード: ほう、短い付き合いで、もう俺のことがわかってきたのか? やるな、王子様。
Claude: Your Highnesses haven't known me for very long, but you already have me figured out, don't you?
ディミトリ: 茶化すな。俺は、正々堂々と戦う。だからといって勝ちを譲るつもりはないからな。
Dimitri: No need to poke fun. I will fight with honor. That said, I will fight to win.
エーデルガルト: ふふ、それはこちらも同じよ。そうでしょう?
Edelgard: Yes, and the same is true of us. Right, Professor?
Choice 1: お手柔らかに Don't go too hard on us.
クロード: おっと、先生の本心はわかってるんだ。負ける気はないって顔に書いてある。
Claude: No use trying to hide how you really feel, Teach. I can see it in your eyes―you don't intend to lose.
Choice 2: 負ける気はない I don't intend to lose.
ディミトリ: 良かった。先生がそう言うのなら、こちらも心置きなく戦える。
Dimitri: If that is how you feel, then I will not hold back.
マヌエラ: あらあら、みんな揃ってお喋りかしら?すっかり仲良くなったようね。
Manuela: Aw, how precious. Looks like you and the students have become fast friends.
ハンネマン: 君たちが親睦を深めるのは大変結構だが、そろそろ作戦会議の時間だ。
Hanneman: While I am pleased that you are taking the initiative to acquaint yourself with the students, I'm afraid it's about time for the faculty strategy meeting.
クロード: もうそんな時間か。それじゃ、お二人さん。また後でな。
Claude: Ah, how time flies! In that case, I'll see you later.
ディミトリ: エーデルガルトも、先生も、あまり無茶をしないようにな。
Dimitri: Edelgard. Professor. Be careful out there.